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Add New Group/Artist Member To Bookings

As acts, artists, or groups change over time, you may need to add new contacts to bookings or remove old ones. Fortunately, Overture makes this process easy for you!

In this article, we’ll refer to these contacts as “acts,” but keep in mind that your Overture may use a different term, such as “artists” or “groups.”

To begin, make sure that the new contact has the “Act” role added to their contact record in Overture. Next, go to the Act record for that contact, and then in the sidebar under the “People” section, click “Show All” to view all the current members of the Act, and then locate the portrait silhouette icon at the end of the contact name on the right-hand side.

Click on this icon to open the contact-specific options menu, which includes four options: “Add to all ACT NAME bookings,” “Add to all future ACT NAME bookings,” “Remove from all ACT NAME bookings,” and “Remove from all future ACT NAME bookings.”

If you want to add a new contact to all bookings (past and future) for this Act, select the first option. If you want to add the contact to all future bookings only, select the second option. Alternatively, if you need to remove an old contact from bookings for this Act, choose the third option to remove them from all bookings (past and future), or choose the fourth option to remove them from all future bookings only.

After selecting the appropriate option, click “Save.” Please note that these options will not remain ticked, as they represent a process rather than a constant setting. Once the process is completed, you will receive an email confirmation that the contact has been added or removed from the bookings.

It’s important to note that if you remove an individual from an Act without first removing them from all bookings they are already associated with, they will still be able to see existing bookings on which they are listed to receive notifications, even if they are not added to any new bookings going forward. Be sure to remove them from all bookings to fully remove them from the Act.

Updated on April 10, 2023

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