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Adding New Contacts

Adding a new contact to the system is very straightforward. Navigate to the Contacts tab, and in the sidebar you have the choice of ‘Adding A Company’ or ‘Adding A Person’.

For the purpose of this guide we are going to add a new person, company and artist all through creating this single contact record.

In the screenshot below we have created a new person and added a first name, last name and also a company and given this contact a role within the company. When saved this will create two separate entries within Overture, one for the person and one for the company.

If we open the new company record you will see in the sidebar that ‘James’ works at Big Promotions and you can open his contact record by clicking on his name.

The company record can be used for general contact details such as postal address, main telephone number and company email address, and then associated contacts will have their individual direct contact details.

Adding the artist record is very similar to the company record but you can only add an artist when creating or editing a person record. Having an artist record helps to group people together that require notifications for upcoming events.

On the contact record just created I can go back and add an artist. Doing this will create the act record and associate this person with it as before with the company record.

Updated on April 10, 2023

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