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Using Email Placeholders

If you would like to use Overture’s placeholder system in your messages read through this article for a comprehensive list of the available tags.

Subject Line

The name of who the message is addressed to.

Takes the name of the person sending the message.

The booking name will combine the Artist – Date – BookingName (title of the booking).


Use in the subject line and will input the date the message was created.

Adds the venue company if the venue has one if not the main contact person for the venue.


This is used specifically for the documents messages, it will insert the reference numbers, or the total from the financial information associated with the document attached to the email.

Message Body

Takes the name of who the message is addressed to.

[REF] displays the document reference if there are documents attached.
[INVOICE_REF] displays the invoice reference if there is one attached

Takes the name given to the booking and the date respectively.

This will take the details from the booking page, including any further information fields that have been set to Use on itineraries. You can also select include promoter contact details, include artist contacts details etc in the message settings.

Details included

  • the date of the booking,
  • the name of the booking,
  • the placeholder for ‘Promoter’ in the account e.g Promoter / Client etc
  • if no promoter is present it will display ‘TBC’,
  • if there is a promoter – ‘name of the promoter’ of ‘promoter company’
  • if the account has a casting director it will print the person and company or ‘TBC’,
  • if venue address is set it will print the map url,
  • if artiste person and artiste company is present it will be printed, if not ‘TBC’,
  • if accommodation is set it will print the accommodation and the url for google maps,
  • if it has repertoire programme it will print the repertoire program (classical only),
    it will print the further info and the contract clauses,
  • it does not include Performances and Rehearsals because it is not including any calendar events.
  • to include the calendar events use the following tag: [CALENDAR_EVENTS]

These are dependent on what you have as the first field title on the booking page.

This place holder is dependent on what you have got set on the booking page to indicate who is being booked.

If you have set up a media page for any of your performers, this will add a link to view the media page for the contact inserted in the above filed on the booking page.

This will populate the name and address of the venue.

These will populate the details associated with the promoter’s contact record that is placed in the booking, please see above and adjust ‘PROMOTER’ according to how your account is setup.

When a message contains a link you can control the placement of this link by using this placeholder. For example Stripe messages.
You can also use [STRIPE] to place the text that is configured in settings > stripe into an invoice message.

Other Contacts

Again these depend on what the Other Contacts section is called in your account.

Placeholder for other_contacts for the account for example [other_contacts]

To show the name but not the label you can use the placeholder for other_contacts for the account then adding WITHOUT_LABELS to the end for example [other_contacts_WITHOUT_LABELS]

Further Information Fields

Use in the message body and the subject line. You can link specific further information fields by capitalising the heading within square brackets, any with more than one word will require an underscore between words. You need to make sure that these are also setup within a group in Settings > Bookings to work correctly.

For example the above fields would be generated from the further info headings of Artist Notes and Capacity.

Payment Reminders

Specifically for payment reminders you can place the Outstanding Amount text into the email.

so that it displays in the location that you require. If you don’t add this placeholder into the main body it will display the amount by default towards the bottom of the email.

Updated on December 19, 2024

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