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Getting Started 6 – Tasks

To end this getting started series I’d just like to quickly go over tasks, how to manage them, and where you can add them in Overture. If we head over to the tasks tab you can see the tasks we created at the start of this series. If I go ahead and check these tasks off to start from a clean slate again.

Adding tasks

Tasks work best when they are added to bookings and contacts. Lets go to the bookings tab to find the booking I created in the last video. Select it to see the booking page and in the sidebar here I can add a task. This will add the task to my list but it will be followed by the booking name and date. This will make the task much easier to keep track of.

I’ll quickly add a name and in the dropdown here I can select a specific date to see a date picker. I also want to give this task a specific category of Contract but I can see that it doesn’t exist in the list yet.

Task categories

That’s easy to fix and is something you should certainly think about setting up as early as possible so that all members of your team can use the same task categories. So if I head over to settings and then in the sidebar go to tasks. I’ll add a couple of extra categories each time hitting enter to save. You can also see here that I could setup some default tasks to appear for each new booking if you have tasks that you always create it’s a good way to automate that process.

Editing tasks

If I head back over to the tasks tab and find the task I just created you can see if I hover on the task a menu appears to the side. I can either edit or delete the task. I’m going to edit it. Find the category dropdown where I can now see the category that I just created.

For now this is the end of the getting started series. I suggest that you now get to know each Overture feature more in depth by checking out the other videos available and also the FAQ’s to find out how to complete specific tasks. You can search the help section for any features you might want to find out more about.

Updated on December 19, 2024

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