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Getting Started 2 – Contacts

Watch the next video. Getting Started Video 3 – Bookings

Contracts, Invoices and Bookings all need contacts so they are very important to the Overture workflow. Let’s head over to our contacts tab and you can see that I already have some contacts listed, your screen may include some that you setup during training or have had imported. You can filter your contacts with this dropdown or for more detailed filtering open this form here. Whenever you see this icon at the end of the search bar it means there are extra options available for this search.

People, Companies and Acts

In the sidebar here you can see the options to Add Person or Add Company. Importing, exporting and campaigns will be covered in future videos, for now let’s go ahead and add a new person.

Let’s give them a name, Email Address, and a Postal Address, and finally lets go back up to Company.

If I add a company name here and give the person a job title also for the purposes of this video lets imagine this person also has an Artist that they are part of.

It’s important to remember that when you add a Company Name or an Act Name that doesn’t yet exist Overture will automatically create that Company record or Act record for you. So when we save the contact and you are directed to their page you can see the link to the Company here and the link to the Act here.

If I now go ahead and add another contact with the same company. I can see when I start typing Overture already knows a company with that name so it suggests it for me. I can just click to select it and when I save, and view the company I can see the two contacts I just created in the sidebar of that company record. The same functionality applies to act records. You can however also add company records separately.

Creating and adding Tags

In the button bar here you can see where you can click to edit your contacts information, upload an avatar for them and finally the option to add a tag. If I click on that button up pops an input where you can enter whatever you like. Now if we navigate back to all contacts you can see in the sidebar we’ve got a new box with our tags in it. You can now filter the contacts by selecting the tag and then in the dropdown choosing the filter type.

Free text inputs could get a little confusing if you work in a bigger team so Overture allows you to specify available tags in your settings. So lets head over there and find the tags menu option in the sidebar. Click Add Field and I’ll just add a few more tags, artist, venue and agent as you can see each time you add a tag you can select a colour from the picker to best represent it.

Now if we head back over to contacts and select a person you can see that when we add a tag the input is a dropdown that we can select from. This will help you to prevent the problem of duplicate tags.

Watch the next video. Getting Started Video 3 – Bookings

Updated on December 19, 2024

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