Overture offers a powerful feature to create customised messages that can be sent automatically based on specific conditions. This feature improves communication and streamlines workflows. To get started, navigate to Settings in the sidebar and select Custom Messages. Initially, you’ll see an empty page with two buttons. Click Add Custom Message to begin creating your message.
Add New Custom Message
Message Specifications
In the custom message editor, you can configure a message to be triggered by changes to predefined booking statuses. Flexible scheduling options allow you to specify when the message should be sent, such as 5 days after the booking status changes or 14 days before the booking date. You can also define who the message is sent from.
Configure Recipients
Next, decide who should receive the message and whether it should be sent automatically or require manual confirmation in the outbox (using the Confirm before sending option). For instance, manual confirmation might be useful if you prefer to review messages before they are sent.
Additional Info To Add To Message
The following options allow for certain information to be included within the email placeholder [BOOKING_DETAILS]. By using this placeholder you can dynamically insert financial or contact details into your emails. You can also target recipients with specific tags using the autosuggest feature. Additionally, you have the option to add CC and BCC recipients to keep relevant team members informed.
Custom Message Text
Compose the body of your email using the editor. Placeholders allow you to personalise emails by pulling information directly from bookings. For a comprehensive list of available placeholders, refer to this list: https://docs.overturehq.com/knowledge-base/using-email-placeholders/
Important: After finalising your message settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Settings to ensure your changes are preserved.
Lastly, to keep the settings page organised, you can click the ‘eye’ icon to hide/show the message settings.