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  3. Bookings Report

Bookings Report

The Bookings Report is a simple yet effective tool for viewing an overview of the financial information contained within your bookings.

Filtering the Report

At the top of the report, you can filter by contact, date range, and various other options to customise your view.

Search options booking report

Report Breakdown

The report breaks down the information into four main categories:

  • Number of Bookings
  • Total Fees
  • Total Artist Earnings
  • Total Commission/Profit

Clicking on any row in the report table will display a list of all bookings matching the selected filters.

List of bookings

Cross-Referencing Bookings

You can filter by multiple contacts for more specific results. For example, you can cross-reference bookings where both Sublime Singers and Brighton Dome appear within the same booking. This will show the bookings within the selected date range where Sublime Singers performed at Brighton Dome.

cross-reference bookings

Exporting the Report

You have the option to export the report results to Excel or CSV format. Before exporting, you can choose additional content to include in the report. If your account does not have the options you need, please contact us to add suitable export options to your account.

export options

Common Export Options

  1. Bookings Overview:
    • Includes Date, Status/Type, Artist, Venue, Venue City, Venue Country, Promoter, Promoter Email, Promoter Numbers, Booking Name, Currency, Fee, VAT, Total, Received, Outstanding, To Be Paid Direct, Commission, VAT, Cost Price, VAT, Contract Number, Invoice Number, Agent, Assistant, Date Created.
  2. Financial Summaries:
    • Includes Promoter, Promoter Contact, Promoter Country, Artist, Booking, Booking Start Date, Booking End Date, Service, Due Date, Performances, Currency, Fee, Commission%, Commission, Profit, Conversion Rate, Converted Currency, Converted Fee, Converted Commission, Converted Profit, Paid Direct To Artist, Agent, Assistant, Status, Date Booking Was Confirmed, Date Of Last Status Change.
  3. Bookings Financials:
    • Includes Booking Date, Purchaser Name, Artist Name, Venue Name, Agent, Contract No, Service Name, Currency, Sale Price, Tax, Cost Price, Tax, Profit, Notes, Artist Invoice Received, Commission Paid.

Once you have chosen your export, click ‘export current search’ to run the report. The file will be emailed to you within a few minutes.


By utilising the Bookings Report, you can gain valuable insights into your financial data and manage your bookings more effectively.

Updated on October 1, 2024

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