Expense Types

When adding expenses in Overture, you have the option to select an expense “type.” This selection is crucial because it determines who will be billed for the expense, which in turn impacts other areas of the system such as invoices, statements, and reporting.

It is essential to choose the correct expense type. To do this, edit the section and click on the ‘Type’ to toggle between the options. There are three expense types available: “Promoter,” “Promoter/Artist,” and “Artist.”

Financials Box Expense Type

Expense Type

  • A “Promoter” expense will bill the amount to the promoter.
  • A “Promoter/Artist” expense will be billed to the promoter and then reimbursed by the artist.
  • An “Artist” expense will not be charged to the promoter but will be charged to the artist, and this will be reflected in the artist’s statement (see below from the Pending Statements report).

Updated on August 14, 2024

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