Data Protection Information Scope Due to the diverse range, type and scale of businesses who use Overture (‘the system’), this article cannot be...
Setting Commission Rates If you have a performer that requires different commission amounts for different types of events, you can add commission rates...
Setting Default Tax For Artists When creating a new booking the default rate of VAT/GST is not set. Your company may have a VAT/GST value...
Further Information Fields Further Information fields are a versatile feature in Overture designed to help you manage booking-specific details. These fields can be...
Using Email Placeholders If you would like to use Overture’s placeholder system in your messages read through this article for a comprehensive list...
Integrating Web Forms With Overture API Overture allows you to post information from a form on your website to create contacts and bookings. This article shows...
Integrating Overture JSON Feeds with Your Website While Overture doesn’t offer direct integration with platforms like WordPress, WIX, or Squarespace through widgets or plugins, it provides valuable...
The Bookings Report The Bookings Report is an intuitive and powerful tool that provides a clear overview of the financial data within your...
Restricting Access to Artists’ Further Information Did you know that you can restrict access to an artist’s further information to only Admin users and specific Internal...
Can an External User See Further Information? The visibility of Further Information to External Users in Overture is determined by your system settings, granting Admin users full...
Bulk-Edit Further Information Did you know that you can edit the Further Information fields for multiple bookings or calendar events in just one...
Calendar Event Details Report The Calendar Event Details report is an invaluable tool for organising upcoming shows, specifically for the calendar events within them....